
get hugs of your own

my name was taken from some place in south america. i like to paint weird colors on my nails. i dress up by mood. i am moody. i'm camera happy. i'm a party person. i want to stop. i go out a whole lot. i procrastinate a lot. i am delayed. i make bad decisions. dancing is a passion i haven't been acting upon. i still love it.the same goes for soccer and wall-climbing. i love to cuddle. i have a boyfriend whom i have nothing in common with. i can live without food but i shouldn't. i crave for isaw most of the time. i make poorly proportioned art that i love. i have clutter, financial, time-management, & commitment issues. it's messed up. Yahoo status dyna_mite29 here's more about me.






image by exploding dog
layout by sandinuh
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i don't believe that anybody feels the way i do about you now.

woohoo. just like everyone expected. haha. we watched lady in the water since classes were suspended because of the sona. it was really nice. it's one of those stories you get so hooked into and it makes you feel like there's still some magic/hope in this world. [three cheers] i kept hugging my jumbo bag of cheese popcorn. go figure. i never really liked paul giamatti. i'm not sure why. maybe i should've watched sideways. i have to watch the break up first. it's showing on the 26th. it's our 5th 28thsary. it's perfect. [sign?] haay nako so sally can wait babbling. enough. i'm just excited that it's almost august and i'm going to busy myself with the big 18th. are you game for one giant sleepover?

i'm currently downloading highschool musical stuff for my little sister. kids nowadays get pretty obsessive ah. look who's talking? [still singing wonderwall]

chem 17 firts long exam's on sunday. cross your fingers, hands , legs, and toes for me. thanks :)
Friendster Horoscope for July 24, 2006
Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)
The Bottom Line
You may see it as an obstruction, but someone you love is looking out for you now.
In Detail
Sometimes people we love tell us things we don't want to hear -- it's called honesty. So if you're looking for support and find skepticism in its place today, don't blame the messenger. The people you trust are looking out for you, whether you realize it or not. And sure, their advice may be undesirable (and unwanted), but they're only trying to help you. You can still move ahead with your ideas as planned, but don't hold a grudge -- those who try to stop you are on your side.
well um well um well um. i 'fessed up about everything, even the fighting temptations. stupid sandy stupid. oh the things you do for love [buboy].