
get hugs of your own

my name was taken from some place in south america. i like to paint weird colors on my nails. i dress up by mood. i am moody. i'm camera happy. i'm a party person. i want to stop. i go out a whole lot. i procrastinate a lot. i am delayed. i make bad decisions. dancing is a passion i haven't been acting upon. i still love it.the same goes for soccer and wall-climbing. i love to cuddle. i have a boyfriend whom i have nothing in common with. i can live without food but i shouldn't. i crave for isaw most of the time. i make poorly proportioned art that i love. i have clutter, financial, time-management, & commitment issues. it's messed up. Yahoo status dyna_mite29 here's more about me.






image by exploding dog
layout by sandinuh
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if black is the absence of all colors, what happens if you delete black?

maybe you'd come out with nothing. but then again, what is nothing? if i delete black, maybe i'd come out with this jarring feeling of emptiness. MAYBE. the fear of the unknown is frightening and i am chicken shit.

black hole. an object with such a strong gravitational pull that no matter or energy can escape from it. it is believed to form when stars collapse in upon themselves. a thing into which objects disappear and are not expected to be seen again.

side topic. FA30 is making me happy. it's art pleasures and there's no harm in admiring beauty. plus, the course description is the fun art of enjoying art. i think i'll also be trying to do that with math. noh kaye? hahaha. we're more like the former master than we thought :)

it's funny how recent events remind me of my childhood of not so long ago, when i shot my pellet gun at that fat kid's tummy. away- bati- away- bati. we went at it for weeks. the only difference now is the addition of malabo to the unending circus. why can't it be as simple as before, when we knew who we wouldn't share our lollipops with?

don't we all just wish we were kids again? instead of acting like some.