
get hugs of your own

my name was taken from some place in south america. i like to paint weird colors on my nails. i dress up by mood. i am moody. i'm camera happy. i'm a party person. i want to stop. i go out a whole lot. i procrastinate a lot. i am delayed. i make bad decisions. dancing is a passion i haven't been acting upon. i still love it.the same goes for soccer and wall-climbing. i love to cuddle. i have a boyfriend whom i have nothing in common with. i can live without food but i shouldn't. i crave for isaw most of the time. i make poorly proportioned art that i love. i have clutter, financial, time-management, & commitment issues. it's messed up. Yahoo status dyna_mite29 here's more about me.






image by exploding dog
layout by sandinuh
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i heard it. did you?

i heard it again.
was that a compliment?
no matter.
i'm taking it as one :)

i heard it again.
where's your boyfriend?
wish i knew. kasama ko kanikanina lang.
open relationship.
maybe i should just record it and play it over and over again :)

i heard it again.
what's the point?
does there have to be one?
if you insist.
i love him. he loves me. we just want to be :) oh really? <-- shut up!

i heard it again.
anything is possible.
not for me.
it's all just probable.
and more often than not, the odds are against me :) why are you still smiling?

i heard it again.
you're flat.
like i don't face the mirror everyday
and tell that to myself
and laugh :)

i heard it again.
perv magnet
please stop it.
what do i have to do?
look uglier? cries :) and yet you still manage to smile.

i heard it again.
party girl
yeah. and all of the above.
why'd you still want MY life?
you're not getting it. it's mine :)

i heard it again.
life is a roller coaster.
i've been riding it so many times. not that i've ever gotten off and died
i feel like hurling now.
but not at you. i promise :)

i heard it again.
i love you.
i know.
i love you too :)