
get hugs of your own

my name was taken from some place in south america. i like to paint weird colors on my nails. i dress up by mood. i am moody. i'm camera happy. i'm a party person. i want to stop. i go out a whole lot. i procrastinate a lot. i am delayed. i make bad decisions. dancing is a passion i haven't been acting upon. i still love it.the same goes for soccer and wall-climbing. i love to cuddle. i have a boyfriend whom i have nothing in common with. i can live without food but i shouldn't. i crave for isaw most of the time. i make poorly proportioned art that i love. i have clutter, financial, time-management, & commitment issues. it's messed up. Yahoo status dyna_mite29 here's more about me.






image by exploding dog
layout by sandinuh
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verbose biatch

bitch [bich]
noun (plural bitches)
zoology female dog: a female dog, or the female of another related animal, for example the fox, or another carnivore, for example the ferret
taboo term: a highly offensive term for a woman that describes her as spiteful, quarrelsome, and unprincipled (taboo)
spiteful conversation: a conversation that involves complaining or saying unpleasant things about somebody who is not present (informal)
US complaint: a querulous nagging complaint (slang) (often considered offensive)
something difficult: a difficult thing or situation (slang) (often considered offensive)
That lock’s a real bitch to open.
intransitive verb (3rd person present singular bitches, present participle bitching, past bitched, past participle bitched) (often considered offensive)
be nasty about somebody: to talk about somebody who is not present in an unpleasant or malicious way (slang)
US complain continually: to complain or grumble about something continually
[Old English bicce , perhaps from an Old Norse word]

am i one??
sometimes..i think i am..
i guess the right thing to say is..
i can be one if i want to be..
or if someone forces me to be..
so don't push me ok?? (sorry sa natatamaan..meron dyan..i know)
what's with people nowadays??
like they're trying to piss you off on purpose..
argh..the world's filling up with assholes and airheads..
i'm being a bitch again...
since i'm on a b.f. [white chicks]..
i hate "okrayable" people..trying to speak in english..
why the heck do people say "sorry..la na ME load.." ???
would you people please stop it...
it was cute then..it ain't now..entiendes???
so anyway..
i'm calming down..
i love the world..
i love life..
despite all it's imperfections..

R u a BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by dodgey and taken 272 times on Bzoink

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male or female
r u a bitchFalse
how many mates do u ave2380

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